The birth of #LadderLessons
Georgia wanted to change the world by first changing how we all view and interpret our situations. One day, after much training and coaching on Public Speaking, she excitedly walked into a Retirement Home. Georgia was going to share messages that would help these folks forgive old wounds, enjoy their days, and create happiness in everyone (lofty goals). She asked the Facilities Event Coordinator if she could volunteer to come in once a week and speak to the residents. She sent videos. She sent emails. She visited. And after a month the event coordinator told her to find a facility where people couldn’t get up and walk out on her. Her messages weren’t right for this audience of “Active” Seniors.
Again, Georgia tried other facilities and soon realized that her messages would be lost forever if she allowed this to stop her. After her last visit, 3rd definite “No”, and feeling defeated, on her drive home it hit her “I have a warehouse (it was her garage at that point in time) full of employees-that I pay.” They would be happy for a short break to watch her speak for a few minutes a day (and they couldn’t run away). It quickly turned into a game and the whole warehouse was involved. They were fun, insightful, thought provoking, and team building. She was too short to be seen from the ground. Standing on a table felt awkward. The Ladder…was just right. Hence #LadderLessons were born. Enjoy these short and mighty life lessons. There is power behind the word.
Catch the latest episodes of #Ladder Lessons
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